Silver accents and two toned pants
I love fashion, I just love getting dressed to go out. Maybe it’s because 90% of my life I am in gym clothes but when I have a date, I’d say getting ready for it is one of my favourite parts. Today my look is kind of edgy, these boots I just adore. The silver wash to them is a great touch to work with, they do make a statement so I wanted to keep the rest of my outfit free from patterns or really loud accents. Lose fitting beanies are so in right now, different colours for different outfits hanging off the back of your head. It’s great to wear the second day after washing your hair if your not in the mood to style it again. 😀
This shirt has really cool simple metal straps that I loved, it felt very free in this shirt, it was comfortable and super light. The pants were my favourite piece to this outfit. I have been looking for a two toned pant like this for a while and the fit was spot on. The split of the line between the colours really accents the shape of your butt and legs. I felt really great in these pants and Im excited to wear them out on my next date!
To get this look head to The Beach Hut in Belleriver, the pants and shirt are made by Billabong and the boots Roxy. I love, love Amie’s store, these small local shops are the best because they hand pick every item in there, so when you walk in you literally want to try everything on. There’s no picking throw to find a sweet find and the best part is she only gets 1-2 of each size so you know what your wearing is rare in our city.
Now I am no fashion police, I didn’t go to fashion school and everything I wear and post about might not be your style but I am happy and excited to be teamed up with The Beach Hut and to share with you all the great trends they get in each week. I love supporting local business’s and I know you want these boots right? 😀 So now you know where to find them. Take a little drive out to Belleriver, it’s a great beach town a few minutes down E.C Row, after shopping you can go check out the marina, it’s amazing down there during all season!
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